Technology, Part 2

Isn’t it interesting that, in addition to the advantages that technology brings, there are also a number of problems.  Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed with the amount of information that comes our way—it becomes harder and harder to find what’s really important.  A number of scholars have also noted that technology makes it harder to separate work and non-work life.  Whereas, in the past, one could leave the workplace and leave work at work, today’s gadgets and gizmos make that impossible.  Even a simple cellphone can be a leash to work, but add to that the Blackberries, Laptops, IPhones and other such things, and work can begin to consume all of our time away from work.  These things can have advantages, for sure, but I think they can also cause work to take over our lives.  Have you felt these or other disadvantages of technology in your job?